Our next meeting will be via Zoom, on MONDAY EVENING, APRIL 8TH. The address to join us at 7:30PM is: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85656835986?pwd=Y0RMS3VmMEVhaVBuRmxYRUl2SHNSQT09
The agenda includes >> Adoption of the Minutes from the meeting of March 11th
>> Treasurer’s Report
>> Any updates on the status of legislation pending in the State House
>> Update on the Suitcase Stories
>> Nomination for Officers for 2024-2025 >> Brief discussion about the pack-a-thon
>> Members concerns
I normally do not add requests for donations from organizations not directly related to immigration matters. This year Haiti is in dire straits for food. I received an urgent request from the local Knights of Columbus. You may recall it holds a pack-a-thon yearly to pack food for Haiti. Last year volunteers from several organizations in Needham packed 167,000 meals. Each meal costs the Knights $.44. Last year the cost was $.25 per meal. Some of you may have volunteered. Unfortunately, this year donations have fallen below prior years and the costs have increased. But the need is even greater today than last year.
1. If you can afford to make a donation, please send it to Ann Cosgrove, 14 Laurel Drive, Needham MA 02492. The check should be made payable to CRUDEM.
2. If you would like to sign up to participate in a two hour slot, helping to package the meals, it will take place on Saturday and Sunday April 28 and 29 at the VFW Hall, which is across from the Needham Junction Commuter Rail station, 20 Junction Street. I have signed up for a slot on Sunday from 10:00-Noon. Contact Ann at 781-449-0671 if you would like to volunteer.
3. If you send a check or volunteer, please tell Ann you are with the Needham Area Immigration Justice Task Force.
If you have any item you wish to discuss, at the meeting, send me an email before 3:00 on Monday, so I can add it to the agenda.
Enjoy the sun this weekend.
Gerry Rovner
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