Monthly Archives: April 2020


Newsletter from the Chair – April 22, 2020

I hope you and your families are well.Here are some items you may have missed.>       Rep Denise Garlick sent the following that is not related to immigration matters, but is worth being aware of:  • The nation’s first contact tracing initiative is now underway in Massachusetts. If you are contacted by someone working [...]

By | April 22nd, 2020|Task Force|Comments Off on Newsletter from the Chair – April 22, 2020

Newsletter from the Chair – April 14, 2020

Hello again. IT’S ONLY MY OPINION:  As the pandemic works its way until a vaccine can be developed, we are all learning to appreciate how much we have.  Life after the pandemic will never be the same.  We are also learning the   meaning of “essential worker”  who is doing so much to keep us safe: [...]

By | April 14th, 2020|Task Force|Comments Off on Newsletter from the Chair – April 14, 2020