Monthly Archives: September 2017


Border Patrol Arrests Parents While Infant Awaits Serious Operation

NPR tells the story of a couple from the Rio Grande Valley area of Texas (Oscar and Irma Sanchez) who decided to bring their two-month old child to Driscoll Children's Hospital, in Corpus Christi, Texas, because the child was in need of surgery for pyloric stenosis, a condition that causes vomiting, dehydration and weight loss [...]

By | September 22nd, 2017|News|Comments Off on Border Patrol Arrests Parents While Infant Awaits Serious Operation

The Plight of the “Other”: Immigrants and Refugees in America’s Heartland

Donald Trump's presidential campaign capitalized and succeeded off the fear of "others," Chris Welzenbach, the author of this article defines "the other" as those who speak a different language, have a different religion, or look differently. These individuals have long been labeled as un-American, and Trump's campaign reached out to those in fear of people [...]

By | September 18th, 2017|News|Comments Off on The Plight of the “Other”: Immigrants and Refugees in America’s Heartland

One Book One Community: In the Country We Love

The Needham Free Public Library partnered with several community organizations, including the Needham Diversity Initiative, to present "One Book One Community." The book chosen was In The Country We Love, My Family Divided by Diane Guerrero. The short video below, from The Needham Channel, discusses the book, its implications, and the book discussions being hosted [...]

By | September 12th, 2017|Task Force|Comments Off on One Book One Community: In the Country We Love

Days of Deportation: Sixty Scenes of Immigration Enforcement in the Age of Trump

This heartbreaking Slate article features stories of detainees who have been targeted by Trump's harsh immigration enforcement but are not connected to crimes of violence. In fact, "fewer than 9 percent of the detainees whom ICE calls "criminal aliens" have been connected to crimes of violence. The Columbia Journalism School's Global Migration Project has been [...]

By | September 7th, 2017|News|Comments Off on Days of Deportation: Sixty Scenes of Immigration Enforcement in the Age of Trump

Death at the Border: How CBP Agents Urged Mexican Teen to Drink the Liquid Meth That Killed Him

This video shown on Democracy Now shows San Diego CBP agents encouraging and allowing Mexican teen, Cruz Velazquez, to drink from a bottle of liquid methamphetamine, which caused his death. In 2013, the teen crossed the border with two bottles of liquid meth which he claimed to be apple juice. The agents, who suspected the [...]

By | September 2nd, 2017|News|Comments Off on Death at the Border: How CBP Agents Urged Mexican Teen to Drink the Liquid Meth That Killed Him