Monthly Archives: July 2020


Newsletter from the Chair – July 17, 2020

TASK FORCE UPDATES:I am including items that many of you may have missed during the past two weeks. Next From the Chair will be emailed on 7/31. If you have any computers or flat screen monitors you are not using that are younger than eight years old, Will may be able to refurbish the unit [...]

By | July 17th, 2020|Task Force|Comments Off on Newsletter from the Chair – July 17, 2020

Newsletter from the Chair – July 3, 2020

Hi all:I hope you enjoy the 4th of July, and you and your family are staying safe.TASK FORCE MATTERS:The Minutes from our June 15th meeting are attached.Our next meeting will be held on September 7th at 7:00PM.TIME SENSITIVE MATTERS:AILA has asked that interested parties comment on the proposed regulation that will basically decimate asylum.  Please [...]

By | July 3rd, 2020|Task Force|Comments Off on Newsletter from the Chair – July 3, 2020