Gerry Rovner

/Gerry Rovner

About Gerry Rovner

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So far Gerry Rovner has created 105 blog entries.

Newsletter From the Chair June 8, 2022

TASK FORCE INFORMATION:>>. Our last meeting of the year will be held Monday evening, June 13 at 7:30PM.  We will hold the election for the coming year and discuss plans for the summer. The ZOOM invitation is as follows:   Topic: NAIJTF Monthly Meeting                        Time: Jun 13, 2022 07:30 PM   Join Zoom [...]

By | June 8th, 2022|Task Force|Comments Off on Newsletter From the Chair June 8, 2022

Newsletter From the Chair June 1, 2022

TASK FORCE INFORMATION: >> Our next meeting will be held on Zoom on Monday, June 13th at 7:30PM.  A Report from the Nominating Committee will be presented, followed by an election of Officers for the coming year.>> Request for help:  Diego’s office needs volunteers to assist immigrants in accompanying them to appointments; to help pack food [...]

By | June 1st, 2022|Task Force|Comments Off on Newsletter From the Chair June 1, 2022

Newsletter From the Chair May 2, 2022

TASK FORCE INFORMATION:>> The April 11 meeting was recorded.  To access:       REQUIRED Access Passcode: %kY=1wf&>> Eleanor Shore sent me the following: “ If one Googles “Resettlement of Ukrainian Refugees” one is directed immediately to “How you can help Ukrainian refugees right now.”  The bottom line is that they need money, and that’s something our group can do now.  The only question is whether we give [...]

By | May 2nd, 2022|Task Force|Comments Off on Newsletter From the Chair May 2, 2022

Newsletter From the Chair April 18, 2022

I hope you all had a wonderful holiday.TASK FORCE INFORMATION:            >> IMMEDIATE RESPONSE REQUESTED. On April 30 and May 1, the Knights of Columbus is hosting a two day marathon to package 100,000 meals for Haiti.  This is an activity we should get involved with.  Please let me know asap if you would be interested in working a two hour shift [...]

By | April 18th, 2022|Task Force|Comments Off on Newsletter From the Chair April 18, 2022

Newsletter From the Chair April 4, 2022

TASK FORCE INFORMATION:         THIS IS MUST READING.  Local attorney faces $240,000.00 penalty for defrauding Brazilian immigrants, putting them at deportation risk.  If you know anyone in the Brazilian Community, forward this story to them.  SEE:>> Our next ZOOM meeting is Monday, April 11th at 7:30PM.  Volunteers for a Nomination Committee for next year’s officers will be solicited.  If you wish to add any matter to [...]

By | April 4th, 2022|Task Force|Comments Off on Newsletter From the Chair April 4, 2022

Newsletter From the Chair March 14, 2022

TASK FORCE INFORMATION:>> I try to limit the articles I publish, but I am including an article from AILA entitled, “Brace for Cyberattacks That Take Advantage of the Russian-Ukraine War”.  SEE:  >> Minutes from the February 14th meeting are attached.   BIDEN ADMINISTRATION NEWS>> For the latest news as of March 11 from the US Dept of State “Information for Nationals of Ukraine” [...]

By | March 14th, 2022|Task Force|Comments Off on Newsletter From the Chair March 14, 2022

Newsletter From the Chair March 4, 2022

TASK FORCE INFORMATION:>> Our next meeting will be held on Zoom on Monday, March14th starting at 7:30. >> I’ll be sending out the minutes from the Feb 14th meeting shortly. >> In case you missed it: the House passed the Work and Family Mobility Act (H.4461/S.2289) last week with 120 Yes and 36 No votes, [...]

By | March 1st, 2022|Task Force|Comments Off on Newsletter From the Chair March 4, 2022

Newsletter From the Chair February 11, 2022

TASK FORCE INFORMATION:>>. Our next ZOOM meeting is this coming MONDAY, Feb 14th at 7:15PM.  Our guest speaker from the Needham Community Council will join us at 7:30.  After the Q&A we will spend some time discussing our current financial situation.  We really need your input. The Zoom address for the meeting is: Join Zoom Meeting ADMINISTRATION NEWS>> On 2/1/22, President Biden directed the Secretary of State [...]

By | February 11th, 2022|Task Force|Comments Off on Newsletter From the Chair February 11, 2022

Newsletter From the Chair January 21, 2022

 TASK FORCE INFORMATION:>> If you have a suggestion for a guest speaker at one of our upcoming meetings, please send me his/her information.  >> If you would like to help the Metrowest Legal Services by researching country conditions for asylum seekers, please contact me.  A training session will be scheduled.  You need not be an [...]

By | January 28th, 2022|Task Force|Comments Off on Newsletter From the Chair January 21, 2022

Newsletter From the Chair January 14, 2022

TASK FORCE INFORMATION: >> For those of you who missed the Jan 10th meeting, that included a very informative presentation by staff attorneys Alissa Weinberger and Katherine Reynolds from the MetroWest Legal Services office in Framingham, the recording can be found at       Access Passcode: 87@k4PVk I asked Alissa how our Task Force could help [...]

By | January 14th, 2022|Task Force|Comments Off on Newsletter From the Chair January 14, 2022